Inside eggheads
people@eggheads – Q&A Interview with Working Student Jannis
What kind of people work behind the scenes at eggheads? Smart, crazy, and unique masterminds present themselves.
Master’s student Jannis Lambeck takes a break from cramming and talks with Tiffany Wiener, Event and Content Manager, about his experience and highlights revolving around the eggheads work culture.
Hi Jannis, what do you do at eggheads?
Hi Tiffany, I’m part of Customer Manager as an internship student here at eggheads, working 2 to 3 days per week. Besides that, I’m studying Management and Economics as part of my Master’s program at Ruhr University Bochum.
What tasks does Customer Management take care of?
The question should rather be: Is there something it doesn’t take care of? We from Customer Management (CM), accompany and support eggheads customers throughout their implementation of our software products. This includes all kinds of tasks, starting from software training of users to collaborative project management and organization. My work in CM is never short of variety.
How did you get your current job position?
I first learned about eggheads when doing my Bachelor’s degree at Uni Bochum. I attended the university’s BO Career Day, a job fair for students. At this point in time, I didn’t know a whole lot about the software company with its somewhat odd name. This changed very fast when I stumbled across the fair stand, where Christiane Weidenbach and Merle Sonis introduced me to the world of eggheads. I had zero doubts: Right after the fair, I handed in my application as an internship student.
What does your daily work life at eggheads look like?
My daily routine starts with the morning stand-up meeting with my department. Here, we discuss matters revolving around our team, discuss current issues, and choose today’s tasks. This is especially useful since most of us are currently working from home, it helps us keeping a clear overview and staying in touch with each other. Proceeding from there, we swarm out and work on our individual projects. Currently, I’m mostly occupied with two projects: an implementation project for a customer and an internal project for introducing a new software into all eggheads departments.
eggheads colleagues (f. l. t. r.) Jannis Lambeck and Tiffany Wiener during the online interview.
What’s the main focus of your work?
Being an internship student at eggheads runs counter to the cliché of being primarily concerned with fetching coffee for co-workers or sorting e-mails. I’m responsible for key tasks in various areas. Just recently, for example, I was the person in response for a critical in-house project for adjusting and fine-tuning several department-overarching tools and related processes.
eggheads also enabled me to write my Bachelor’s thesis on this very project. Naturally, this was much more exciting than writing a theoretical paper at the uni. As part of the project, I also had to interview a lot of my fellow co-workers. And, as it turns out, everybody is really open and ready to help – this is what makes eggheads eggheads.
With whom among your colleagues do you work together the most?
Primarily, I work with fellow team members from my department, the Customer Management crew. Concerning customer projects, I also regularly meet up with colleagues from IT, QA, and Software Development. We also have the occasional department-overarching project or event, which is why everybody knows who’s who at eggheads.
What’s most fun about your work?
To me, one highlight is our company-wide meeting, the so-called egg2gether. Here, the executive board and various departments present the newest developments revolving around the company and its projects every 6 weeks. This provides us with transparency of what is going on when and where. Personally, it’s always extremely exciting to me and, initially, also helped me orient myself when I first started out at eggheads. You’re being included in the company, which is cool and not at all standard practice.
Prior to corona, we used to have a Pizza Friday. This was a major highlight for many, not just for me. Fridays, we used to spend our lunch break at the nearby pizza place just 2 minutes away by foot. This always made for a laid-back atmosphere and cool conversations – pizza is what binds people together, after all.
The million-dollar question: pineapple on pizza – yes or no?
I must admit that I’m a fan of pineapple pizza – I don’t always make friends with that. 😉
What can you say about you colleagues?
They even accept my preference for Hawaii Pizza. Jokes aside: We’re a super squad, no two are the same. I think this is what makes for our good team chemistry. I’m looking forward to meeting everybody in person again at the office.
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