Inside eggheads
people@eggheads – Merle’s Work Life in HR Business
Who are the brains behind eggheads? Smart, crazy, and one-of-a-kind masterminds introduce themselves.
Hi Merle,
you’ve been at eggheads for quite some time now – what do you do here?
Hi Tiffany, as the HR Business Partner I’m responsible for the entire personnel department of eggheads.
What are a HR Business Partner’s tasks?
A HR Business Partner is a manager who does not only take care of administrative tasks but also of strategic measures. This concerns various topics – from organizational development to the planning of human resources, and many more things.
How did you get the job you have now?
I’ve studied at TU Dortmund and got my degree in Education with focus on adult education and professional training. Throughout my studies, I came to realize very quickly that I have affinities towards personnel management since I like collaborating with colleagues a lot, I’m good at keeping track of things, and I want to help shaping the things I like. I’ve first got to know and love eggheads at the “Konaktiva” convention, October 2018. And things simply took a natural course from there, so to speak. Right now, I’ve been working for eggheads since January 2019 and never looked back even once, not a single day. I love my job a lot and enjoy every workday here.
What’s a typical workday at eggheads like?
For me, no day at work is quite like the other. And this is what makes me happy. There are fields of work, however, that involve some repetition. For example, this concerns the recruiting process, the area of organizational development, personnel accounting, and also my collaboration with our Employer Branding team.
What is the main focus of your work?
My focus is classic and strategic personnel work. This includes personnel planning, writing job postings, as well as preparing, managing, and evaluating both job interviews and appraisal interviews.
egghead’s colleagues (from left to right) Merle Sonis and Janina Kröger at DMEXCO 2019.
With whom of your colleagues do you collaborate the most?
I primarily work together with our organization team. For one, this includes my office neighbor, direct superior, and sparring partner Christine Weidenbach. Another colleague I’m in contact with a lot in our company is Anja Schölhorn (CMO), with whom I work on Employer Branding. In general, I work a lot with the management team. For the simple reason that we strategically analyze many personnel affairs together to further improve things and recruit new workforce where needed.
What do you enjoy the most at work?
The most I enjoy the interplay of freedom, self-reliance, and responsibility. Here at eggheads, I’ve found the job that suits me perfectly, all factors considered.
What can you say about your co-workers?
My colleagues (and I’m referring to eggheads in general here) enrich my work life enormously. They’re always ready to help, ambitious, and together we make for a fantastic, colorful bunch. And I’m very thankful for that. “Here, you can be who you are!” – I think this sums it up very well.
We are looking for new, unique minds to enrich our team. If you are curious – just have a look at our job advertisements and discover eggheads as an employer.
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