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Head Dive into the eggheads World and Get to Know Us

We eggheads are omnipresent: Be it conventions, conferences, or webinars. On our events, we share best practices and innovations – with experts from various industry sectors in tow. You don’t want to miss out on any events?

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Hallway full of eggheads day visitors |

Head Dive into the eggheads World and Get to Know Us

We eggheads are omnipresent: Be it conventions, conferences, or webinars. On our events, we share best practices and innovations – with experts from various industry sectors in tow. You don’t want to miss out on any events?

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Tiffany Wiener from eggheads in portrait |

Tiffany Wiener

Event & Content Manager

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Open for Your Ideas and Suggestions

You have questions, ideas, or suggestions concerning our events? Send me a brief message and I am happy to help you out. Feel free to share topics you want to learn more about in our online sessions. I am looking forward to reading from you.

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