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A Fountain of Knowledge is Ready and Waiting for You

PIM, PXM, MDM are topics which capture you? We share our knowledge, allowing you to become the secret weapon of your company. Receive expert knowledge straight into your mailbox.

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Your Source for Curiosities, Insights, and Checklists

Bunte Metall-Fahrräder in einer Reihe |


From Data Chaos to Clear Structures with the Right Data Model

A product data model is the basis of your Product Information Management. In our whitepaper, we show you what types of product data models there are, together with their advantages and use cases.

Frau packt Objekt aus Paket aus |


Checklist for an Optimal Data Quality

Bring the quality of your data into top form! With our checklist, you’re equipped with the optimal guide to enhance your data quality in five steps and secure a decisive competitive edge.

Typewriter with fast typing fingers |


Content Strategy 2.0

Better visibility and outreach – this is made possible by high-quality content and a well-thought-out strategy. We let you in on how to develop a Content Strategy which will pay dividends for your entire company.

Woman sits cross-legged in garden and puts on VR headset |


Top 5 E-Commerce Trends 2023

To master the challenges of our time, the name of the game is to look ahead and inspire customers across their entire customer journey. Find out which trends will help you in doing so in the upcoming year in this whitepaper.

Mann springt von Rand in Pool |


Digital Product Data Management Explained in Simple Terms

How can you and your company make a smooth transition into digitization, fully exhausting all possibilities and potentials? We explain this to you in our whitepaper.

Illustration einer Frau, die vor einer Website mit Text steht |


Your Cheat Sheet for Unique Product Descriptions

The ultimate cheat sheet with 6 essential tips for creating unique product descriptions – clear, concise, and in checklist form.

2 people in front of a laptop |


10 Tips for Really Good Product Descriptions which Sell

Do you inspire with your product descriptions? This is how you can transform boring texts into captivating sales arguments, turning consumers into loyal customers and fans.

Picture of many shopping bags held together by 2 hands. |


From Buyer Persona to Customer Journey

The whitepaper for customer-oriented e-commerce and sustainable long-term success.


Tips Worth a Read which will Make Creating Product Experience Even Easier

Person neben Browserfenster mit Produktpass |


Digital Product Pass: Inspire and Retain Customers Long-term

Learn how you can prepare for the implementation of the Digital Product Pass and how a PIM system can support you in doing so.

Kai Warmus 26.06.2024 8 Min
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Product Communications

Product Reviews: Indispensable for E-Commerce Success

In this blogpost, you learn why product reviews are of great importance, how you can generate positive ratings, and how you can mobilize them in order to win new customers.

Dinara Quarz-Pleuger 06.05.2024 5 Min
Illustration mit Frau beim Social Shopping | Blog Social Commerce |


From Feed to Shopping Card: How Social Commerce Redefines E-Commerce

Learn in our blogpost about all the things social commerce has made possible and what kind of trends could be relevant for your company’s social media channel.

Dinara Quarz-Pleuger 15.04.2024 7 Min
Illustration mit Frau und zwei Paketen | Blog Retourenmanagement |


Returns Management in E-Commerce

By taking the right measures in a returns management that is both proactive and reactive, you can lower your product return rate while boosting your customer satisfaction at the same time. Learn how this can be accomplished in this blogpost.

Sebastian Faber 04.04.2024 7 Min
Illustration mit Frau vor Monitor mit drei unterschiedlich gefärbten Pullovern |

Product Information Management

With Variant Management towards Efficient Product Management

Variant management is an important building block when it comes to reducing the complexity of your product data management. Learn in this article what you have to look out for and how a PIM system can support you in doing so.

Matthias Gärtner 28.02.2024 7 Min
Ein Mann steht vor einem Textfenster und verschiebt Sätze mit der Hand |


Successful Content Creation in Digital Commerce

In this blogpost, you learn how a PIM system, generative AI, and data-based text automation can contribute to your success in digital commerce. On top of that, you’ll also learn how the scaling and effective application of such combined technologies can help you save both time and resources.

Matthias Fertig 29.01.2024 7 Min
Illustration mit Frau die über vier verschiedene Kanäle ein Produkt kauft |


Omnichannel Marketing in B2B and B2C

In this blog post, you can find out how your company can benefit from omnichannel marketing, the advantages of an omnichannel strategy for you, what this has to do with product data and which tools are relevant for this.

Sebastian Faber 11.12.2023 6 Min
Illustration with two women standing in front of a server |

Product Information Management

Turn Your PIM Implementation into a Success

Right before beginning with the PIM implementation, every company will find itself confronted with the question: Should the implementation be carried out as a full-service or do-it-yourself project? Which method comes with what kind of benefits and drawbacks? And are there alternatives which are even more likely to lead to success? All these questions are answered in this blogpost.

Jannis Lambeck 05.12.2023 8 Min
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Speaker image David Klein from eggheads |

David Klein

PIM Expert

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